Advies hoofd kaal &glad

  • Ed

    Sinds enkele weken doe ik mijn hoofd met de tondeuse, stand 0, zelf scheren. Dit nadat de twee meiden, die het netjes konden, bij mijn kapper vertrokken zijn.

    Nu wil ik het eigenlijk eens helemaal glad. Maar durf het niet met een mes. Is er iets op tegen het met de gewone scheermachine volledig glad te scheren ?

  • K.K

    Lees dit eens op

    I have been a die-hard razor user (on my beard) for 30 years. I finally switched from my old Gillette double-edge safety razor to a Mach III after my beloved Gillette finally died and I couldn't find an inexpensive replacement. A couple of months ago I decided to try shaving my head. I wasn't experiencing any hair loss, I just wanted to try somthing different. I loved the new look , but the shaving experience left something to be desired. The mach did a good job (smooth, minimal razor burn and nicks), but it was taking me forever to shave. Maybe my head is unusually shaped but the Mach would only shave a path 1/4" wide on most places (flat blade vs. curved skull). Hoping to speed things up I bought a Schick Extreme III (the cartridge model not the disposable). The flexible head certainly shaved a much wider path, but it was at the expense of a ton of razor burn and liters of blood.

    I was almost ready to give up and let my hair grow back, when I saw a Braun 370, “Pocket Twist”, battery-operated shaver at Walmart. It was under $19 canadian and I thought what the heck. I had tried electric razors, on my face, in the past; but was never happy with the results. Being fairly cheap, I would not have invested the $50-200 that other shavers cost for this little experiment, but this was only slightly more than a Mach III Power making it simple for me to justify.

    Well this little inexpensive shaver does an amazing job, at least on my head. It is much quicker than a razor, no irritation or nicks, and it shaves almost as close as a razor and I can touch-up late afternoon stubble quickly and easily, anywhere! The battery life seems to be quite good as the batteries that came with it lasted almost a month.

    I can't compare this to other electric shavers, but I still recommend it if you are a newbie struggling with blade-shaving your head or if you'd like a portable way of quickly cleaning up stubble.

    Besides, at $19 canadian (probably about $12-15 US) what do you have to lose?

    I recently purchased the same model shaver at a local London Drugs store, and I agree with Bill that it's a pretty good shaver at a really nice price. I use it when I don't want to go about getting a full shave, but have too much stubble for my own comfort. It gives me another day of relative comfort before I have to shave completely.

  • Barbershop JH

    Hallo Ed

    Probeer dit eens

    Groeten, Johannes

    Barbershop JH

  • Annelies

    Waarom niet gewoon met een scheermes?

    Ik doe dat elke twee dagen bij mijn vriend. En als hij onderweg is doet ie het zelf.

    Super glad en echt niet eng hoor!!