Leuke link

  • Sten

    Geachte prikkers,

    misschien mag ik mijn humoristische www.antihaar.nl onder de aandacht brengen?

    Met leuke afbeeldingen en gevatte gladde uitspraken. :-)

    Glad to be alive!


  • Sarada

    Hey buddy. Perhaps you have been looking for eco-friendly shaving looms? I know a site that might help you https://elvasallnaturals.com/products/unscented-hand-body-wash-300-ml?variant=41245001187487 . I just haven't shaved before because I refuse to buy plastic disposable razors and I'm lazy, but these are just what I was looking for! No guilt about buying contaminating plastic and not a bad shave! Sounds like a very chic replacement for plastic to me.